Rhio O’Connor’s Alternative Approach to “Mr. Meso”
Mesothelioma is a deadly rare form of cancer in which the cells of a protective sac that surrounds an internal organ becomes abnormal, divide, and invade nearby healthy tissue and organs causing harm. An increased risk of developing this type of cancer is found in those who have been exposed to asbestos dust, a known human carcinogen which is prevalent in numerous industrial type job settings. Symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath and chest pain and may not be apparent until 30-50 years after exposure. The type that invaded Mr. O’Connor was present in his lungs, medically referred to as pleural mesothelioma.
Rhio O’Connor was diagnosed with this cancer in October of 2001 at the mere age of 61 years old. This is normally the prime time that older adults get to enjoy life and engage in the rewards of their retirement. How could Mr. O’Connor possibly enjoy his one last year left with his wife and family wholeheartedly without fearing the suffering and breakdown of his health that was bestowed upon him? Given such an inescapable death warrant is enough to make any human being surrender and wither away without any attempt of a fight, but such was the opposite for Rhio. His vigorous spirit and optimistic outlook on life drove his determination to succeed in prolonging his wellbeing and time spent on earth. He refused to accept the conventional treatment pathways of chemotherapy and radiation that would lessen his integrity of life without the guarantee of increasing his survival. Furthermore, the option to surgically remove the cancer was out of the question due to the fact that the tumor was too close to his spine. Without further contemplation, Rhio O’Connor extensively researched his only other possible approach of defense: alternative therapy.
In general, the term alternative therapy refers to any medical treatment or intervention used other than chemically manufactured or scientifically created modern drugs. It consists of a variety of disciplines that incorporates diet, exercise, mental conditioning, and lifestyle changes. A few examples of alternative therapies are massage therapy, relaxation, guided imagery, yoga, hypnosis, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and using herbal remedies. However, alternative therapies have not been scientifically documented or proven through clinical trials as a safe and effective treatment for a specific disease condition. One reason that these therapies have not been tested is due to the fact that pharmaceutical companies refuse to invest money in them to bring them to market since the therapy cannot be patented. Most alternative medicines cannot be patented because they occur naturally in nature opposed to being chemically engineered. If the therapy cannot be patented, the companies cannot make money off of them and no profit is gained in their favor. To me, this is a poor excuse for not implementing alternative therapy use with an extremely greedy rationale behind the matter. Is it morally ethical to withhold testing for a possible cure to diseases just because a company cannot make money off of earthly treasures?
Working alongside his dedicated clinicians, Rhio calculated a disciplined program in which he consumed over 100 supplements a day, changed his eating habits to healthier choices, and utilized mind over body medicine techniques. His supplement intake ranged from Ukrain, Iscador, Vitamin C, Astragalus, Cat’s Claw as well as many others. To learn more about O’Connor’s technique, refer to his book titled “They said months. I chose years!” Through his treatment program, O’Connor prolonged his life 7 ½ more years that originally expected and in his own way defeated what he referred to as “Mr. Meso”. After a long hard fought battle and a strong steadfast attempt to subdue his rivalrous cancer, Rhio O’Connor passed away on July 11, 2009 at the age of 69 years old. His unique therapeutic approach gained him profound significance and appreciation in the aspect of successfully utilizing alternative medicine as a therapy. Although alternative therapy methods are considered highly controversial, his proactive demonstration proved that it is a respectable and life extending option of care and has broadened the desire to further activate its implementation in medicine today.
Rhio O’Connor has inspired me profusely to attempt alternative therapy and medicines as my primary approach if I was deemed with his diagnosis, and furthermore, I ultimately respect his decision in doing so. Your quality of life is immensely affected by the harsh effects of chemotherapy and radiation without any guarantee that it will prolong your life rather than kill you faster. Using alternative therapy is of the earth, natural, and inflicts harmony rather than harm on the body when partaken. This approach dates back to ancestral times and was a proven method of treatment for decades before it was overtaken by chemically produced “modern” medicines. This goes to verify undoubtedly the quote: “Man must go back to nature for information.”-Thomas Paine. It’s time to get back to the basics; it’s time to go back to nature and ourselves.
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