Now, don't get me wrong; I am not a complete tree-hugger/earthy birthy freak that thinks we should all go out and eat roots of some crazy plant we can't even pronounce the name of when we get sick. There are some medicines I am very grateful for and know that we could not do without. For instance; Epinephrine for an anaphylactic reaction, or ephedrine to raise blood pressure. But recently, the drugs that have been chemically produced are a bunch of crock!!!!! Just hear me out before you think I am nuts please.
OK, so ever since the diagnosis of Alzheimer's and Dementia have came about, we have all been told that the cause of these diseases is unknown, that there is no cure for them, that they are progressive, you must take certain medicines just to maintain daily life functions, blah blah blah.
All the medications that patients are prescribed for these certain diseases DO NOT treat the disease, they treat the symptoms of the diseases, right!!?? Now. . . . . . . what if I were to tell you this is all a bunch of crap, that there is a way to avoid these terrible diseases!?!?!? The pharmacology companies do not want us to know this because that would mean that we would not be buying their drugs anymore and that their profits would plummet tremendously. It makes sense doesn't it? OK so stay with me. . . . . . . . .
There has been ALOT of research done on these diseases to try and find out why they occur. The main link with these diseases is that ALL patients that have Alzheimer's and Dementia have very low to NO amount of a certain antioxidant in their brain. This puzzle piece antioxidant is called. . . . . . . GLUTATHIONE (pronounced gloota-thigh-own).
It has been discovered that glutathione deficiency is found in nearly all very ill patients. If you are sick or old or are just not in peak shape, you likely have glutathione deficiency. In fact, the top British medical journal, the Lancet, found the highest glutathione levels in healthy young people, lower levels in healthy elderly, lower still in sick elderly and the lowest of all in the hospitalized elderly. These include people with chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, cancer, chronic infections, autoimmune disease, diabetes, autism, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, arthritis, asthma, kidney problems, liver disease and more.
This glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system! The good news is that your body produces its own glutathione. The bad news is that poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your glutathione. Well now. . . . . . .that just sucks!!! So how do we get our level of glutathione up??? How do we get more of this great antioxidant?????? Surely it comes in a pill form or something and we can just take our daily recommended amount right?. . . . . . . . WRONG!! But there is a way to increase the amount our brain makes and I will tell you how :)
Before I explain how to defend yourself against all these deadly debilitating diseases, I want you to understand why this brain antioxidant is so important. Glutathione is a very simple molecule that is produced naturally all the time in your body. It is a combination of three simple building blocks of protein or amino acids -- cysteine, glycine and glutamine. The secret of its power is the sulfur (SH) chemical groups it contains. Sulfur is a sticky, smelly molecule. It acts like fly paper and all the bad things in the body stick onto it, including free radicals and toxins like mercury and other heavy metals. Glutathione is also the most critical and integral part of your detoxification system. All the toxins stick onto glutathione, which then carries them into the bile and the stool -- and out of your body. Normally glutathione is recycled in the body -- except when the toxic load becomes too great. And that explains why we are in such trouble . . . . . . We live in a very industrialized world full of free radicals and chemicals that we are constantly putting into our body without even knowing we are causing harm. I'm talking about the added chemicals and pesticides in our foods. Problems occur when we are overwhelmed with too much oxidative stress or too many toxins. Then the glutathione becomes depleted and we can no longer protect ourselves against free radicals, infections, or cancer and we can't get rid of toxins. This leads to further sickness and soon we are in the downward spiral of chronic illness.

Finally, here are Tips to Optimize your Glutathione Levels:
1. Consume sulfur-rich foods. These foods will help you body make more Glutathione.
The main ones are avocado, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, garlic, onions, broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress. The spice Curcumin (Turmeric) is also effective.
2. Exercise boosts your glutathione levels and thereby helps boost your immune system, improve detoxification and enhance your body's own antioxidant defenses. Start slow and build up to 30 minutes a day of vigorous aerobic exercise like walking or jogging, or play various sports. Strength training for 20 minutes 3 times a week is also helpful.
3. Taking supplements that are needed to help produce and recycle glutathione. The production and recycling of glutathione in the body requires many different nutrients and you CAN take these. Here are the main supplements that need to be taken consistently to boost glutathione. Besides taking a multivitamin and fish oil, you also need:
N-acetyl-cysteine. This has been used for years to help treat asthma and lung disease and to treat people with life-threatening liver failure from Tylenol overdose.
Alpha lipoic acid. This is a close second to glutathione in importance in our cells and is involved in energy production, blood sugar control, brain health and detoxification. The body usually makes it, but given all the stresses we are under, we often become depleted.
Methylation nutrients (folate and vitamins B6 and B12). These are perhaps the most critical to keep the body producing glutathione. Methylation and the production and recycling of glutathione are the two most important biochemical functions in your body. Take folate (especially in the active form of 5 methyltetrahydrofolate), B6 (in active form of P5P) and B12 (in the active form of methylcobalamin).
Selenium. This important mineral helps the body recycle and produce more glutathione.
A family of antioxidants including vitamins C and E (in the form of mixed tocopherols), work together to recycle glutathione.
Milk thistle (silymarin) has long been used in liver disease and helps boost glutathione levels.
***And the ultimate Tip*** Bioactive Whey Protein. Scientifically, the best way to increase glutathione levels is to take a supplement rich in cystine (a disulfide-bonded form of cysteine). The whey protein MUST be bioactive and made from non-denatured proteins ("denaturing" refers to the breakdown of the normal protein structure). Immunocal is an undenatured whey protein provides one of the richest sources of cystine known to science, and because cystine contains two weakly bonded molecules of cysteine, Immuncocal Bioactive Whey Protein is a unique "cysteine delivery vehicle". The two molecules of cysteine are connected by a weak disulfide bond to form a molecule of cystine. The disulfide-bonded cysteine is not digested, but is transported to the bloodstream to the tissues of the body. Here, in the cells of the body, the weak disulfide bond between the two cysteine molecules is cleaved, and the cell has 2 molecules of cysteine from which glutathione can be manufactured. Immunocal is a non prescription bioactive non-denatured whey protein that is even listed in the Physician's Desk Reference.
This is just a small touch of what you can do to help reverse these diseases or keep yourself from getting them! I have also researched Dr. Blaylock and his extensive research on the matter as well. I advise you to listen to what he has to say as well!!!!
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